For Immediate Release
January 16, 2025
NL NDP Leader Jim Dinn (St. John’s Centre) wrote the Premier today highlighting the NDP’s recommendations for the terms of reference of the MOU oversight panel.
After reaching an agreement with the Liberal government ensuring an arm’s length expert oversight panel for the Churchill Falls MOU, Dinn says it is important to continue the conversation and push for the recommendations that he believes will strengthen the work of the panel.
These recommendations include:
Quarterly timelines for reporting have been agreed to. We expect the first quarterly report will be made before the end of the Spring session of the House of Assembly, and that the final quarterly report be presented at least a month before the signing of the definitive agreement;
That the oversight panel will be able to hire outside consultants with financial, engineering and construction expertise comparable to that which the provincial government, NL Hydro and Hydro-Quebec have retained;
That the panel shall have access to commercially sensitive documents to be able to verify that the assumptions and the numbers in the MOU are correct;
That the panel be provided with the information necessary to ensure that the MOU is the best deal and that it be able to compare the alternatives identified during the course of the negotiations;
That the panel shall take into consideration the questions, concerns and criticisms raised by the people of the province, MHAs in the House of Assembly and that there be the opportunity for further public consultation;
That the panel shall make public all the findings and recommendations that it considers necessary, baring commercially sensitive information.
“We expect the government to act immediately if any issues are found by the expert oversight panel. We must protect the people of the province and do what is best for the future which you have stated is your intention.”
A copy of the letter and all recommendations follows.
For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media and Communications Officer, NDP Caucus at 330-0328 (o), or stephaniecurran@gov.nl.ca
January 16, 2025
Andrew Furey, Premier
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Confederation BuildingSt. John's, NL
A1B 4J6
Premier Furey,
We are pleased that your government agreed to establish an arm’s length expert oversight panel to review the Churchill Falls Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to take place concurrently with NL Hydro Corporation’s negotiations. This letter is to follow up with some recommendations for the terms of reference of the panel as agreed to. (see attached)
We ask that the terms of reference contain the following commitments:
· Quarterly timelines for reporting have been agreed to. We expect the first quarterly report will be made before the end of the Spring session of the House of Assembly, and that the final quarterly report be presented at least a month before the signing of the definitive agreement. These must be meaningful reports;
· That the oversight panel will be able to hire outside consultants with financial, engineering and construction expertise comparable to that which the provincial government, NL Hydro and Hydro-Quebec have retained;
· That the panel shall have access to commercially sensitive documents to be able to verify that the assumptions and the numbers in the MOU are correct. The oversight committee must be able to examine all relevant commercially sensitive documents including, but not limited to, the same documents used by the government and NL Hydro;
· That the panel be provided with the information necessary to ensure that the MOU is the best deal and that it be able to compare the alternatives identified during the course of the negotiations;
· That the panel shall take into consideration the questions, concerns and criticisms raised by the people of the province, MHAs in the House of Assembly and that there be the opportunity for further public consultation;
· That the panel shall make public all the findings and recommendations that it considers necessary, baring commercially sensitive information.
We expect the government to act immediately if any issues are found by the expert oversight panel. We simply cannot afford to be locked into another 50-year bad deal. We must protect the people of the province and do what is best for the future which you have stated is your intention. As well, there must be ongoing oversight of this deal beyond April 30, 2026.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and we look forward to your reply.
James Dinn, M.H.A.
St. John's Centre
NDP Leader
/cc Andrew Parsons, Minister, Industry, Energy and Technology
Tony Wakeham, Leader of the Opposition, MHA, Stephenville-Port au Port
Eddy Joyce, MHA, Humber-Bay of Island
Paul Lane, MHA, Mount Pearl-Southlands
The agreement on the new, independent, expert oversight panel.
The panel will be led by the Consumer Advocate, and will:
Review the MOU and progress towards Definitive Agreements.
Provide advice to Cabinet.
Provide summaries to the public and to the House of Assembly in a manner that respects commercial sensitivities, privilege, and does not jeopardize the Provincial Government’s negotiations. These summaries shall be provided on a quarterly basis.
The Consumer Advocate will be provided with necessary funding to provide this oversight, and shall appoint a panel of three persons, including the Consumer Advocate as Chairperson. The Consumer Advocate shall submit a list of candidates to the Provincial Government for review and appropriate vetting. The Provincial Government shall return a list of all qualified candidates, from which the Consumer Advocate shall select two additional members for the panel.