Join the NDP

Members are the heart of the New Democratic Party. We work for fairness, justice, and a society where nobody is left behind. Be part of it!
Sign up today – and you’ll join a vibrant group of people working to make a better Newfoundland and Labrador.
By becoming a member you will
Be able to vote in Leadership Conventions,
Be an official delegate at Party Conventions,
Be eligible to run for executive positions and sit on commitees
and vote for your preferred candidate in your district association nomination race.
You will also receive information on what our MHAs are doing, upcoming Town Halls, current news, Days of Action and other activities in which you can participate.
Party memberships are now $20 annually ($5 for youth under 30, $1 for people Un(der)employed)
If you are unable to process your membership payment online, please email info@nlndp.ca
Declaration: (required)
By clicking this box, a) I affirm that I am a resident of the province of Newfoundland & Labrador and am at least 14 years old, b) I agree that I will abide by the principles of the NL NDP, and c) declare that I am neither a member nor a supporter of any other Canadian political party. I also agree to be contacted by the NDP.
Once you click submit you will be taken to a page to process the payment for your membership.
If you become a monthly donor, your membership fee is waved after three months.