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Supportive Employment Organizations Deserve Better

For Immediate Release

May 29, 2024


NDP Leader Jim Dinn (St. John’s Centre) is calling on the Minister of Immigration, Population, Growth and Skills to commit to help approximately 300 people who need supportive employment get to keep their jobs during National Accessibility Week.


Last month, the Federal Budget 2024 removed top-up funding under the Labour Market Transfer Agreements, which will eliminate $3.5 million in funding for supportive employment organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador.


Dinn is demanding that government commit to replacing the funding. “Losing this amount of money is detrimental to these organizations and it is shameful that government will not commit to covering the funding.


“When questioned in the House of Assembly it was obvious that government did not have a back up plan even though it has known about this funding loss for months.”


Dinn says that the NDP would ensure that these essential workers and organisations are covered while waiting for a response from the federal government.


“We cannot afford to play a game of Chicken with the future of these organisations that are dedicated to helping those living with disabilities.”




For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media Relations Manager, NDP Caucus at 330-0328 (o), or  


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