For Immediate Release
May 7, 2024
“This week marks Mental Health Week across the country. Everyone, at some point in their life, will know someone who struggles with mental illness, or experience it themselves. Thankfully, as awareness around mental illness and mental health continues to grow, more people are able to speak up.
“When people are ready to speak up and seek the help they need, supports need to be readily accessible. In Newfoundland and Labrador, many people suffering with mental illness cannot access the essential services they need to begin to heal.
“The Spring sitting of the House of Assembly has highlighted the obstacles for those suffering with mental illness. MHA Lela Evans continues to speak up about the lack of resources for those on the North Coast of Labrador, a district that has the highest rates of suicide in the province. MHA Jordan Brown discussed the need for an addictions facility for Labrador, along with added wrap-around supports for those overcoming addictions.
“The Minister continues to tout the Towards Recovery report, along with the all-party Committee, as an answer for the lack of mental health supports. However, during this sitting, we found out that the six mental health beds in Labrador, a recommendation of the report, have been shut down for some time due to lack of staffing. Another recommendation was a psychosis nurse for the north coast of Labrador, a position that still has not been filled.
“A check mark on a report does not mean access has been improved. This government must focus on the recruitment and retention of health care workers to address long wait times for care. We must focus on retaining these essential workers so that teachers are not getting memos from doctors explaining that they cannot take any more children for assessment for neuro-divergent related diagnoses.
“As the NL NDP has always done, we will continue to fight for accessible mental health supports.”
For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media Relations Manager, NDP Caucus at 330-0328 (o), or stephaniecurran@gov.nl.ca