For Immediate Release
31 October, 2023
NDP Leader, Jim Dinn (St. John’s Centre), is publicly publishing the following questions to the Liberal Government after he was notified he will not be able to speak in the House of Assembly.
“While the housing crisis continues across the province, I was not able to ask the following questions to the Liberal Government today in the House of Assembly:”
1. According to ACORN Canada, Canada’s public, non-market, and affordable housing stock is now among the lowest of OECD countries, at 3.5%. A large contributing factor is the increasing ownership of rental units by large financial firms, large corporate landlords, and institutional investors. Will government in cooperation with the federal government take steps to stop the sale to or limit the ownership of rental properties by corporate landlords?
2. If this government is fully seized with the housing crisis, will the Premier commit to ensuring that housing created with public money or tax incentives be kept affordable in perpetuity?
3. If the Premier and his government are truly fully seized with the housing crisis, will he take steps to prevent seniors, those on low and moderate income and other people from being rendered homeless by exorbitant rent increases, by instituting rent and (wait for it) vacancy control for corporate landlords and landlords with multiple rental properties?
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or eddystcoeur@gov.nl.ca