For Immediate Release
23 October, 2023
NDP Leader, Jim Dinn (St. John’s Centre), is publicly publishing the following questions to the Liberal Government after he was notified he will not be able to speak in the House of Assembly.
“While the housing crisis continues across the province, I was not able to ask the following questions to the Liberal Government today in the House of Assembly:”
Speaker, I’ll begin by asking questions I included in my letter to the Minister of Children, Seniors, and Social Development on October 6. Will the Premier today provide those living in tents a reasonable timeframe as to when they can expect to be in a real home that is safe, affordable, and allows them privacy?
Speaker, while OrgCode Consulting helps develop a shelter standard framework, will the Premier take immediate action to ensure that all shelters provide adequate nutritious food that reflects the dietary needs of those who have to stay in them?
Cooperative housing and other not-for-profit models offer real solutions to address the housing crisis but lack the resources to buy land. Will the Premier commit his government to establishing an acquisition fund and land trusts so that the Cooperative Housing Association and other not-for profits can acquire land on which to build affordable homes?
Speaker, people living in shelters receive a bi-monthly comfort allowance of $62.50. That’s $4.16 a day. Very little comfort in that amount. Will the Premier commit to raising the comfort allowance to a livable amount?
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or