NDP Health and Community Services Critic Lorraine Michael (MHA, St. John’s East-Quidi Vidi) wants to know why there has been nothing but silence from government regarding an important report submitted to it last week by the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association.
“The NLMA, after much careful consideration and consultation, prepared a report calling for a comprehensive, transparent, non-partisan review of the province’s health facilities and services,” Michael said today. “We know they presented it to government on January 17, but we do not know whether government is looking at accepting the report, thinks the recommendations too radical, or is hoping everyone will forget about the report so government can, once again, proceed without making a considered decision.”
Michael says the NLMA report calls for bold and courageous moves by government, including a comprehensive review of the province’s acute care facilities and programs. It also strongly recommends the need for considering all impacts of any decision on other aspects of the health care system and government services.
Last week, government ministers announced renovations at the Waterford Hospital and a public-private partnership for a long-term care centre in Corner Brook, says Michael, but there was no sign of any of the sort of consideration and deliberation the NLMA is recommending.
“We obviously wouldn’t expect government to have completely accepted the recommendations and announced action by this point,” she said, “but after more than a week has passed, we would expect a courteous, public thanks and commitment to moving forward with a review.”