For Immediate Release
7 March, 2024
MHA Lela Evans (Torngat Mountains) issued the following statement:
“International Women’s Day is more than just a day to celebrate the accomplishments and milestones that have been achieved for women’s rights – it is also a day to amplify women’s voices, hear our stories, and continue the fight for safety and equality of all women around the world.
“Some people may question the need for this day, but when you step back and look at the world today, it is clear that there still is a great need for International Women’s Day, and the continued calls for women’s rights. Sadly, across our country, and from our neighbours in the United States, women have to fight back against the rise in alt-right ideology. Fear is growing that women will not have access to birth control or safe abortion procedures.
“The fight for justice for women is no different here in Newfoundland and Labrador. Women in our province are still waiting for meaningful Pay Equity Legislation. It is unfortunate that government continues to drag its feet not only on delivering this essential legislation, but also on listening to advocacy groups who are calling for the rewrite of this hollow legislation due to the lack of consultation.
“Along with the lack of pay equity, we see women being continually let down by the Liberal government. It promised in the 2021 election that an IVF clinic would open in the province. Instead of listening to proposals from doctors and advocates for the service, this government decided on a travel grant that hardly covers the costs of travel. This is why the NDP has called for a travel subsidy to augment the current IVF subsidy until the service is available in our own province.
“Thankfully, this government finally, after three years of empty promises, put in place the Provincial Coordinator for the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program. There is still work to do. This vital program must be available across the province and for youth. Right now, if a girl under the age of 18 is victim of sexual assault, there is nowhere for her to go to receive the support she needs.
“Women know that the fight has never really stopped. We must ensure that we do not become complacent. We stand in solidarity together and raise our voices as a collective to tell all governments and our society that we won’t back down until we reach true equity.” The NDP will continue to demand that government stay true to their promises to women.
For Further Information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137
(o), or eddystcoeur@gov.nl.ca