NDP Leader Lorraine Michael (MHA, St. John’s East - Quidi Vidi) says although the Liberals campaigned in the last election on improved management and more openness on the Muskrat Falls project, we have seen little of either so far.
Yesterday, the Premier said he wants to make sure that Nalcor is as open and transparent as any government department.
Today during the House of Assembly’s Question Period, Michael asked Premier Dwight Ball why the EY report on Muskrat Falls did not uncover the use of embedded contractors.
“I ask the Premier, if he was concerned about costly embedded contractors, why didn’t he put this issue in EY’s mandate for their review of Muskrat Falls?”
Michael also questioned whether or not the Premier thought how Nalcor was being managed and the use of embedded contractors should have been something the Oversight Committee reviewed in their reports.
The NDP Leader pressed for clarity on the timeline for the Muskrat Falls inquiry.
“Could the Premier please be more specific about his plans for that inquiry, and is it going to include a forensic audit?” Michael said.