For immediate release September 9, 2020

NL NDP calls for nominations in district of Humber-Gros Morne
The New Democratic Party of Newfoundland and Labrador announces the call for candidate nominations in the district of Humber-Gros Morne. Any member of the NL NDP who is a resident of the district of Humber-Gros Morne can nominate a prospective candidate. Prospective candidates must be current Party members. Nominations will close at noon on Friday, September 11, 2020. Members interested in nominating a prospective candidate should send the name of the nominee, together with the written consent of the nominee, to provincial Party President The Party will provide the candidate nomination package. -30- For more information please contact Mona Rossiter, NL NDP Executive, (709) 771-2083 or e-mail