As of 2:00 p.m. January 23, the official deadline for candidate nominations with Elections NL, here is the list of candidates representing the NL NDP.
51.5 per cent of the candidates identify as women, transgender, or non-binary, and 18 per cent identify as Indigenous.
Bonavista -- Tim Whey
Burgeo-La Poile -- Judy Vanta
Burin-Grand Bank -- Alvin Banfield
Cape St. Francis -- Phyllis Fleming
Carbonear-Trinity-Bay de Verde -- Matthew Smith
Conception Bay East-Bell Island -- Gavin Will
Conception Bay South -- Andrew Lovell
Ferryland -- Paul Murphy
Fogo Island-Cape Freels -- Jim Gill
Fortune Bay-Cape La Hune -- Noel Joe
Gander -- Dawn Lahey
Grand Falls-Windsor-Buchans -- Holly Pike
Harbour Grace-Port de Grave -- Dion Hynes
Harbour Main -- Tony Chadwick
Humber-Gros Morne -- Sheina Lerman
Labrador West -- Jordan Brown
Lake Melville -- Amy Norman
Mount Pearl North -- Jennifer McCreath
Mount Pearl-Southlands -- Cara Winsor
Mount Scio -- Sheilagh O'Leary
Placentia West-Bellevue -- Carolyn Davis
St. Barbe-L'Anse aux Meadows -- John McClusky
St. George's-Humber -- Melissa Samms
St. John's Centre -- Jim Dinn
St. John's East-Quidi Vidi -- Alison Coffin
St. John's West -- Brenda Walsh
Stephenville-Port au Port -- Jamie Ruby
Terra Nova -- Anne Marie Anonsen
Topsail-Paradise -- Kathleen Burt
Torngat Mountains -- Patricia Johnson-Castle
Virginia Waters-Pleasantville -- Jenn Deon
Waterford Valley -- Peter Young
Windsor Lake -- Tomas Shea