For immediate release
March 12, 2020
NDP successfully holds Liberals accountable by rightsizing Interim Supply budget
The NDP Caucus introduced an historic amendment to the Interim Supply resolution this week. The amendment cut Interim Supply in half from $4.6-billion to $2.3-billion, enough for three months instead of six. After a sub-amendment that added $300-million to the NDP’s proposed amount, full debate on the resolution proceeded.
Today, the House passed Interim Supply with the new amended amount, as brought forth by the NDP. This is the first time Interim Supply has ever been successfully amended in our provincial House of Assembly.
NDP Leader Alison Coffin says her Caucus wants the Interim Supply bill to reflect its true intention and enable government to operate properly while a budget is being debated. The Parliamentary Guide says the amount should represent about three months of government spending. The NDP amendment counters the Liberals’ attempt to pass a mini-budget without debate, scrutiny, or detail, allowing them enough cash to run government for half a year.
“The Liberals say they did this to protect workers in case Opposition Parties bring government down and trigger an early election,” said Coffin. “Their attempt to pass a mini-budget, masquerading it as Interim Supply, is contrary to democratic principles. There is no need to vote on that much money for Interim Supply.”
“With our amendment we are keeping government honest and transparent,” said Coffin.
If the six-month Interim Supply resolution had passed as the Liberals presented it, the Liberal government would have had the option to call a general election while assuring government functions.
“Our Interim Supply amendment allows for a budget to come at the right time, in the right manner,” said Coffin. “We have no intention of keeping public servants and community workers from being paid, but we are wary of giving this Liberal government a blank cheque.”
For further information, contact Zaren Healey White, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), 693-9172 (c), or zarenhealeywhite@gov.nl.ca.