For immediate release
March 20, 2020
NDP calls for leadership votes and conventions to be postponed, MHAs to focus energies on COVID-19 crisis
“It’s time for all three parties to put their leadership elections, reviews, and conventions on hold and allow their MHAs to focus their energies on fighting the COVID-19 crisis facing our province,” said NDP Leader Alison Coffin. “Newfoundland and Labrador needs stability, not a government in transition.”
The Newfoundland Labrador New Democratic Party Caucus is calling on the Liberal Party to postpone its leadership race and convention until such time as the COVID-19 crisis has passed and life has started to return to normal.
Since the 2019 provincial election, NDP Caucus members have aimed to establish a collaborative working relationship with Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, and Independent MHAs to serve the people of our province. The COVID-19 outbreak has challenged members of the House of Assembly to work together to mitigate the crisis.
“The work of the Joint Public Health Response Committee emphasizes the importance of certainty and stability in what has become a very uncertain time. Proactive and forward-thinking decisions now will put us in a better position to weather this storm,” Coffin said.
“A Liberal leadership race and resultant change of Leader at this time would be detrimental to this collaborative relationship, impede the government’s ability to address the pandemic, and undermine public confidence in the province’s leadership,” said Coffin. “We need stability, and we need to maintain the trust of our citizens.”
A leadership race could potentially divert valuable human resources away from the crisis and towards a leadership race and providing a smooth transition for the new leader and Premier.
Coffin is also calling for a postponement of the PC Party’s June leadership review for similar reasons.
Coffin has asked the NL NDP Executive to do the same and ensure its 2020 convention not occur before the Fall.
For further information, contact Zaren Healey White, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), 693-9172 (c), or zarenhealeywhite@gov.nl.ca.