NDP Leader Lorraine Michael is questioning the timeline for the Muskrat Falls Inquiry, announced today, taking issue with the report deadline of Dec. 31, 2019, which will be after the next general election.
“The Premier says he wants to get answers for the people. I have to question why he doesn’t want those answers prior to the next election,” said Michael.
“To have a report that’s not going to be released until after the next election is unacceptable.”
Michael also says the terms of reference for the inquiry should clearly and unequivocally state the urgent need for a forensic audit.
Today in Question Period, Michael asked why the Liberal government didn’t pause the project two years ago to assess the situation, but rather pushed on only to start the inquiry now.
Gerry Rogers (MHA, St. John’s Centre) said that by delaying an inquiry into Muskrat Falls for two years after coming to power, government may have eliminated the possibility of stopping the project. She asked what evidence the government used to justify dragging its feet for two years.
Rogers also voiced concerns about the financial burden brought about by the project. “The Premier said power rates will double by 2022. He did not say what he is going to do to help mitigate this extra financial burden. I ask the Premier, what is his plan to help seniors, working families, and small businesses with their power bills?” said Rogers.