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Loss of Labour Representative on PERT Foreshadows What is to Come – Release the Report: Coffin

NDP Leader Alison Coffin is very concerned over the resignation of the labour representative on the Premier’s Economic Recovery Task Force, and what that signals is coming from the preliminary Moya Greene Report which is due in February.

“Workers in this province should be very concerned over the departure of Ms. Shortall. This signals what is to come from the Premier’s Economic Recovery Task Force,” said Coffin. “If the task force could not reconcile their intended approach with representatives from the province’s Federation of Labour – that says all we need to know about Moya Green and Premier Furey’s approach – everything is on the table for cuts including workers rights, jobs, and services across the province.”

The NDP Leader is calling on government to release Moya Green’s report ahead of any election call. With so much at stake for the province’s future it is unfathomable that the Liberal Government would see it appropriate to dissolve government before anything can be reviewed publicly.

“The secrecy the Liberal Government is relying on for an election win has to stop,” said Coffin. “We are talking about the futures of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians – each and every one of us deserve better than lip service and veiled responses from the Premier and their Ministers”


For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or


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