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Looming job crisis remains unaddressed by Budget 2018: Rogers

Updated: Nov 27, 2018

NDP Leader Gerry Rogers is concerned about the critical shortage of jobs and government’s lack of a job strategy. Rogers (MHA, St. John’s Centre) says the real unemployment rate in Newfoundland and Labrador is heading for 20 per cent, the highest in the country.

“There is a looming jobs crisis and without a proactive strategy there is no immediate relief in sight,” Rogers said.

Today in Question Period, Rogers said the Premier has now held his position for two and a half years and the jobs situation has gotten worse under his government.

“I ask the Premier, does he not realize what our people are facing and what is he going to do about it?” Rogers said.

Rogers is particularly concerned about the outmigration of young, skilled workers from the province. She says we are all hearing more and more young people say they are leaving the province because they can’t find work.

“I ask the Premier what concrete assurances can he give to our young people and working families who desperately need work and want to stay that there will be jobs for them?” Rogers said.

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