For Immediate Release
June 19, 2024
NDP MHA, Jordan Brown (Labrador West), is pleased that after five years of demanding the provincial water bomber fleet being brought back to 2018 levels, the provincial government has publicly committed to repairing the fifth plane that was damaged and our of commission Brown says the commitment is missing key considerations like where the plane will be stationed.
“It was reassuring to hear after five years of calling for the water bomber fleet to return to pre-pandemic levels, government has finally committed to having the fifth plane back in service within the next 14 months,” said Brown. “It seems like government has accepted what we’ve been saying all along –the province cannot have less resources than we did five years ago when every environmental indicator is telling us to be more prepared for wildfires.”
Brown is calling on the Liberal government to be transparent and clear about the timelines about when this water bomber is going to be back in service, and if it will be stationed in Labrador West with a water bomber base at the Wabush Airport.
“Hearing the Premier say that we are equipped enough for this season is quite concerning since having a single water bomber slows down response time. A fifth water bomber stationed in Labrador West would make the region better prepared.”
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 709.729.2137 (o), or eddystcoeur@gov.nl.ca