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House Session Leaves Many Struggling

For Immediate Release

31 May, 2024

Jim Dinn (St. John’s Centre), Leader of Newfoundland and Labrador’s NDP was pleased to see that the NDP led improvements to the Statute of Limitations Act were passed saying it was an example of how legislation should be developed. However, the end of the Spring Sitting leaves many in this province struggling. The NDP does not have the confidence that the Liberals have the main issues in the province like housing, retention of health care workers, education and affordability under control.


“It was a tumultuous session. Clearly we have a long ways to go on housing,” said Dinn. “Inmates are preferring to stay in jail rather than get released and face homelessness. We have seniors who are still contacting me about rents increasing to a point where they can’t afford housing. The Government is doing a lot of talk about the Airport Inn but there’s a number of places where the supports aren’t there for these individuals.”


“There was very little offered in the budget to help people who were struggling long before the province experienced record inflation. Government could have addressed the underfunding of support programs or a committed to move minimum wage to a living wage,” Dinn said. “They could have easily removed the tax from home heating for all residents of the province, and taken steps to retain health care professionals and teachers so they and their families see a future for themselves in this province – the Liberals chose not to.


“Instead the provincial Liberals have chosen to wage public battles with their cousins in Ottawa as a way of distracting the public from their failures.


 “This government has yet to show they’re willing to do the hard work required to secure the future everyone deserves in this province.”




For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or


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