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Government Unwilling to Help Seniors at Keane Place

Updated: Dec 7, 2024

For Immediate Release

December 3, 2024

NL NDP Leader Jim Dinn (MHA, St. John’s Centre) questioned government today on their lack of action to ensure that seniors living in Keane Place Apartments, owned by Northview Residential REIT, have access to an elevator.


Almost two years have passed since tenants, mostly seniors, at 50 Keane Place have had access to a working elevator. Many tenants have health and mobility issues which require them to use an elevator. Dinn says that their treatment by the landlord is an example of why government needs to invest in community based housing, not rely on private companies or REITs who do not have the interest of their tenants at heart.


“REITs often buy up affordable housing, raise rents, and fail to make the necessary capital investments for upkeep. Seniors in this building continue to face increases in their rent while no work is done to ensure the elevator if fixed,” said Dinn. “With the challenges of finding affordable and accessible housing, many of these tenants have no where else to go. Some are forced to stay in their apartments on the second floor. No one should be put in this position.”


Dinn says that all levels of government seem to be brushing off this issue and not working on solutions for these tenants. He says that this isn’t good enough.


“It seems that no level of government will stand up to Northview Residential REIT, who is taking advantage of seniors and tenants, and get them to complete the required maintenance,” said Dinn. “This neglect is what happens when private companies are left to ensure the safety of those in our community?


“This government does not walk the talk of seniors’ health and well-being and healthy aging. One senior suffered a heart attack after climbing the stairs with groceries. Another senior with cerebral palsy had to climb the stairs instead of using the elevator. What will it take for someone to step up here, show some decency and help these seniors?”




For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media and Communications Officer, NDP Caucus at 330-0328 (o), or  


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