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Government Negligent in the Delay of Kamutik W

For Immediate Release

June 10, 2024

Lela Evans, MHA for Torngat Mountains, continues to call out the government on their failure to ensure the return of the ferry, Kamutik W to northern Labrador.  Today, June 10th, was to be the start date for their marine shipping services, but despite calls for this essential service to start on schedule from MHA Evans and the Inuit Community Governments, the ferry is still not in Labrador.

Evans insists that the provincial government must stop dismissing the realities people are facing in her district. “To add insult to injury, we witnessed the earliest Spring thaw in memory so this delay to our regular shipping season is very hurtful. It sends a strong message that Government doesn’t care about us.”  

Evans, who has been presenting petitions and asking questions in the House of Assembly on the return of the Kamutik W marine shipping services to the district, calls it intentional bad planning and negligence on the part of government. She stated, “It reminds me of the failure to secure mitigation work permits for Muskrat Falls that would have minimized the Methyl-mercury poisoning of our food ecosystems.

“Our ferry service was suspended all winter and now the start is intentionally delayed.  Our communities will suffer,” said Evans. “Food is the biggest concern but also people need to get their household goods, ATVs, boats, engines, etc., delivered that is needed for daily life. Also contracting companies are waiting to move their equipment up to do work. People need to access travel at the affordable rate that only the ferry provides.

“It’s affecting access to services on many levels. The main grocery store in Makkovik, Franks Ltd, burned on June 3rd. The fire has worsened the food shortage already impacting the district. AMK Variety, a smaller store is trying to help. The local airline, Air Borealis to helping arrange for food to be flown in but this is impacting the availability of flights for an already busy season. It shouldn’t have gotten to this point.

 “The people of Torngat Mountains are worried about their service. Government’s lack of commitment to get the Kamutik W back in our waters shows its true colours around reconciliation and ensuring Indigenous communities that they matter. It seems that this Liberal government cares only about using us for photo ops and the rest of the time we are out of sight, out of mind.”



For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or 

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