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Education system needs LGBTQ2S inclusive curriculum

Updated: Nov 27, 2018

Leader Gerry Rogers (MHA, St. John’s Centre) asked questions in the House of Assembly on issues facing LGBTQ2S youth on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

Rogers says in our province, rates of suicide, dropping out of school, and homelessness are highest among LGBTQ2S youth.

“These are our children. We have seen advancements in rights, training in our schools, and the increase in GSA groups, which is a wonderful thing! However, as we have seen lately, more needs to be done,” Rogers said.

“I ask the Premier, what happened to the commitment to an LGBTQ age-appropriate, inclusive curriculum where all our youth see themselves and their families reflected in our education system?” Rogers said.

Rogers says the turmoil and homophobia we have seen lately around the province regarding LGBTQ2S youth and their efforts to be seen, heard, and included is based on fear and misunderstanding.

“This is devastating for communities, for families, and particularly for our courageous youth who are reaching out,” she said. “I ask the Premier will he create a position of an LGBTQ2S Advisor to help government to more appropriately address issues in our education, health, justice, and social programs so they are inclusive and responsive to the needs of all our people, especially our youth?”

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