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A Statement from NDP Leader Alison Coffin on International Women's Day

Today, International Women's Day, we celebrate the impacts and contributions made by women across our communities. And while we celebrate today, we recognize we still have much to do and learn in order to create a more equitable society for women.

For years, government’s decisions have reinforced the gender status quo rather than truly creating equality. New Democrats want to do things differently and make choices that support women.

Women’s organizations across this province are doing amazing work while the demand for their services continues to grow. They need more support. Every New Democrat elected will fight to establish permanent, core funding for the Status of Women Council offices so they can continue to help vulnerable women across our province.

Women in Newfoundland and Labrador experience intimate partner violence at a much higher rate than the national average. New Democrats commit to more paid leave for women in these situations.

Two thirds of the minimum wage workers in the province are women. No one who works a 40-hour week should be living in poverty. Every New Democrat elected will fight for a $15 an hour minimum wage as a first step to a living wage.

The pandemic has underscored the realities impacting women across the province. Job loss, compounded with an expectation to carry their families hits women harder. The challenges facing women in their careers is only one facet of a complex reality.

But this is tomorrow’s work.

Today we celebrate everything that is wonderful about women in Newfoundland and Labrador and beyond.

I am so proud to lead a party that offered voters true gender choices. More than 50% of NDP candidates in this everlasting election identify as female, non-binary or transgendered.

Like many of you, I have been fortunate to have strong role models in my life. Why not take a few minutes today to pay tribute to a woman who has influenced you? Happy International Women’s Day. I wish you Bread, Roses, and joy! Alison Coffin.


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