New Democrats in Newfoundland and Labrador will elect a new leader of our party who will lead us into the upcoming general election. Stay tuned to this page for updates on candidates, important dates, voter information, and more.
To request a copy of the Leadership Candidate Nomination Package please contact the Chief Electoral Officer at ceo@nl.ndp.ca.
March 27, 2023
2pm NST, 1:30pm in most parts of Labrador
The deadline for application to appear on the leadership contest ballot is March 27th, 2023 2pm NST, 1:30pm in most parts of Labrador.
May 1st, 2023
All those who are party members by the deadline of May 1st, 2023, are eligible to cast a ballot in the leadership contest. All memberships valid on the cut-off date will receive voting credentials.
The rules for the Leadership Contest shall comply with the Constitution of the Party and with
the NL Elections Act.
Chief Electoral Officer
A Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) will be appointed by the Provincial Executive to oversee the
process of the Leadership Contest. The CEO is the final authority on all the rules and
regulations of the Leadership Contest.
Leadership candidates will direct any questions about the leadership rules and regulations or
other matters associated with their leadership campaign in writing to the CEO via email:
ceo@nl.ndp.ca. The CEO will respond to all candidates, including the question and the
answer. As deemed necessary, the CEO may liaise with the Executive of the NL NDP to
discuss and formulate responses.
Candidates for Leadership
A leadership candidate may be any member of the NL NDP in good standing as defined by
Article 4 of the Constitution of the Party.
A leadership candidate must meet the following requirements:
- Complete and submit the Leadership Candidate Nomination Package duly signed by 20
NL NDP members in good standing from a minimum of five electoral districts. At least
ten nominators shall be persons of marginalized genders. The Candidate Nomination
Package includes a Personal Disclosure Questionnaire.
- Submit by email with the Leadership Candidate Nomination Package a high resolution
headshot photo .jpeg format) and short biographical statement, written in the third
person and up to 250 words (word document).
- Pay a non-refundable registration fee of $1,000 at time of package submission.
The decision to accept or reject a candidate’s registration is at the discretion of the CEO.
Once the CEO finds the Application and Disclosure Statement in order, a registered candidate
will be eligible for any services provided by the Party for the Leadership Contest. For example,
access to membership lists, contact with the membership, information regarding debates, etc.
Deadline for Application of a Leadership Candidate
The deadline for submission of an Application and Disclosure Statement for the NL NDP 2023
Leadership Contest to appear on a leadership contest ballot is Monday, March 27, 2023, 2:00
p.m. Island time | 1:30 p.m. in most of Labrador.
Campaign Period
For the purposes of reporting expenses and accepting contributions, the Campaign Period
shall be from the date Leadership Contenders are approved and publicly announced to the
final date of the leadership vote.
Election Expenses
The spending limit on election expenses by a candidate will be $30,000.00
Election expenses means any expenses incurred by a leadership candidate in respect of the
conduct or management of the leadership candidate’s campaign, including amounts paid,
liabilities incurred, the commercial value of goods and services donated or provided, other than
volunteer labour.
The candidate registration fee is considered part of election expenses.
The candidate will submit an Election Expense Report within 90 days of the close of voting.
The Election Expense Report will detail the amounts, names, and addresses of donors. The
names and amounts of any donations in excess of $100 will be made available to the public
upon request. No anonymous donations are allowed regardless of the value of that donation.
Leadership Convention and Selection of Leader
The date and time of a Leadership Convention to select a new Leader will be announced
following the announcement of Accepted Leadership Candidates.
Voting in the Leadership Contest will be a one-member, one-vote ballot.
All those who are approved Party members by May 1, 2023 will be eligible to cast a ballot in
the leadership contest. All memberships valid on the cut-off date will receive voting
The dates when voting will open and close will be announced to members when the date of the
Leadership Convention is announced.
Voting will take place online by electronic ballot or by telephone touch-tone dial-pad for those
who do not have an email address.
Mary Shortall has been a member of the New Democratic Party for several decades.
Mary recently retired as President of the Newfoundland & Labrador Federation of Labour (NLFL), a position she held since in 2013.
Her role at the Federation was to represent the interests of workers in the broader political arena; to bring about legislative and policy changes that create a more equal, fair, and just society and economy for all workers.
Before being elected to the NLFL, Mary was the Atlantic Regional Director, and NL Representative, for the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC); where she worked since 2001. She cut her union teeth in the early 80’s as a union representative, and member of her Local’s Executive Board at Air Canada, where she worked for 28 years.
Mary ran as a candidate for Canada’s New Democratic Party in the 2021 Federal election. She has taken on many other election campaign roles throughout her her 40-year as a political activist, at both provincial and federal election campaigns.
Mary also defines herself as a labour and social justice activist. For her - education and political action are key components of activism and change.
In March 2021, Mary was named one of the top 25 Most Powerful Women in Business by the Atlantic Business magazine.