Dear Members and Supporters, Join us on April 6-8, 2018 in St. John’s to elect a new leader of the Newfoundland and Labrador New Democratic Party and to share your ideas and energy as we build towards 2019. Watch for more details in the coming days and weeks to confirm the venue and important deadlines for leadership nomination, registration, and submission of resolutions. In the meantime – mark your calendar for April 6-8, 2018 This is an exciting time for the Party as we prepare to elect a new leader and get ready for a provincial election in 2019. Now is the time to start thinking about party leadership, resolutions to be considered at convention, and whether you would be interested in running for a Party executive position. To vote in the leadership race and attend convention, you MUST be a party member. If you’d like to become a member, sign up now while you are thinking about it! It’s free and easy to do on our website: nl.ndp.ca/sign-up If you’re interested in getting involved in convention planning, please send an email to info@nl.ndp.ca Looking forward to seeing you at Convention in April. Mark Gruchy President, NL NDP