For Immediate Release
8 January, 2024
The Leader of Newfoundland and Labrador’s NDP, Jim Dinn (St. John’s Centre), has questions about the announced transitional supportive living for people experiencing homelessness.
“What was announced could possibly be a better alternative to living in a tent, going into a congregate living shelter, or emergency shelters where people do not feel safe,” said Dinn. “However, this announcement leaves many questions unanswered.
“Why is government waiting until March to offer this transitional housing when we’ve just experienced the coldest weekend of the season so far in St. John’s? What are the wrap around supports? How will we have a full contingent of support staff with so many social work positions left unfilled across the province? How are people going to get around the city without access to Metrobus while living in such an inaccessible neighbourhood? How much are we paying a for-profit company to fill the gaps left by successive governments failing to adequately invest in housing?”
Dinn says the Furey government must ramp up efforts to meet the need and properly address the housing crisis.
“Another year goes by and the Liberal government forgot winter was coming with a persisting housing crisis.” said Dinn. “When will permanent housing be ready for these 140 people? What is the plan for the many others who are relying on emergency shelters to get through the night or students and people couch surfing and depending on the kindness of friends and relatives? When will they have a place to call home?”
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or eddystcoeur@gov.nl.ca