For Immediate Release
20 September, 2023
As the first month of the school year ends, the NL NDP is proud to stand in solidarity with members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in calling for inclusive education. It is important for youth in our school systems to learn and understand what diversity means, and how it enriches our society. That starts with understanding that the families and the households students come from themselves are diverse. Diversity is ok. In fact, it is welcomed. It is important that our youth understand those differences so they can see themselves and those around them in our communities.
The NL NDP is very concerned by the rise of homophobia and transphobia in our province and condemns the suggestion that inclusive education is harmful to our provinces youth. For many students, their school is the only safe accepting place they know. It is angering to see that there are continued attempts to stir up division by politicizing queer rights in this province and across the country.
We must fight against hate and discrimination in all its forms. We must stand together for a safe, inclusive and accepting province for everyone. Including in our education system. Our classrooms and schools must be safe places for all students to learn, participate and be included.
Unfortunately, we still have more work to do until all members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community have full equality in Newfoundland and Labrador. Over the past few years, we have seen a rise in hate crimes, particularly against transgender people. We are saddened to see it happen in our province.
An inclusive society requires true acceptance to create a safe society. We cannot allow hate to be targeted towards the diversity within our communities.
The NL NDP recommits its support for the community and pledges to always fighting by your side for full equality and a future where people can live free of discrimination, homophobia and transphobia.
In Solidarity,
Jim Dinn
Leader, NL NDP
Media Contact: Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, 709.729.2137