For Immediate Release
15 June, 2022
Responding to reports by AllNewfoundlandandLabrador concerning delays causing orders in council to not be made public, and Brendan Paddick chairing a committee looking at energy opportunities in Labrador, Jordan Brown the NL NDP MHA for Labrador West issued the following statement:
“This is another example of a Liberal government giving every opportunity they can to their rich friends behind closed doors. Meanwhile everyday people of this province are facing ever-increasing cost of living in this province, and in February this province was the only province to see a population drop in the last five years.
“Now we find out that the Premier’s friend has been given a position as the chair for a secret committee titled ‘the Churchill River Energy Analysis Team’. The last time we had people with Liberal ties secretly looking at energy opportunities in Labrador, former Prime Minister Chretien was trying to find somewhere to store nuclear waste.
“The Liberal government needs to be transparent with the people of this province on all aspects of their governance. The Premier must be honest about his intentions, especially with the development of energy projects in Labrador, and when he’s putting his buddies in positions of influence that will impact our future.”
NDP Caucus Office, Confederation Building, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 ˑ 709-729-0270 ˑ