For Immediate Release
15 February, 2023
Kyle Rees, President of the NL NDP announces nominations are officially opened to elect the next Leader of the New Democratic Party of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Nominations opened on the 15th of February, 2023. Nominations will close on 27th of March, 2023 at 2:00PM Island time/ 1:30PM in most of Labrador. A leadership vote date will be announced in the event of a contested race. Only members in good standing who have paid their membership dues will be invited to vote for the Leader. In the event of an acclamation, the party executive will name the vetted candidate as the official leader of the Newfoundland and Labrador New Democratic Party.
2021 St. John’s East NDP Candidate, and former President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour, Mary Shortall has been selected as the Chief Electoral Officer to oversee the leadership process.
“This is an exciting time for New Democrats. With the systemic inequality across our communities bearing down on families, the province needs a strong NDP voice lead by a leader who can lead the party to build a fairer province for everyone,” said Rees. “I am thankful to Ms. Shortall for agreeing to oversee the selection of the next NDP Leader, and I look forward to working together once they are elected.
For more information on the leadership process, visit www.nl.ndp.ca/leadership
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, at 709.697.5363 (o), or eddy.stcoeur@nl.ndp.ca
Mary Shortall Biography
Mary Shortall has been a member of the NDP for several decades, and was the NDP Candidate for St. John's East in the 2021 federal election. She recently retired as President of the NL Federation of Labour, a position she held since 2013. Previous to this, she was the Atlantic Regional Director, and the NL Representative for the Canadian Labour Congress.
In March 2021, Mary was named one of the top 25 Most Powerful Women in Business by the Atlantic Business magazine.