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NDP Respecting Protesters and not Attending Budget

For Immediate Release

21 March, 2024

NDP Leader Jim Dinn released this statement today:

“My colleagues and I will not be sitting in the House of Assembly for the Budget today.


“The Premier has let the situation get out of control. If the Premier had shown the same determination in resolving this issue even a year ago, as he has demonstrated in pushing his own agenda, we wouldn’t need police in riot gear. We are hopeful and expect a peaceful and constructive resolution so harvesters, plant workers, and the communities they rely on can have the productive season they were promised. The future of rural Newfoundland and Labrador is at stake.


“The Liberal Government shut down debate last Thursday. When the House of Assembly resumes for debate we look forward to holding government to account.”


The NDP Caucus will be watching the budget at Alt Hotel and Jim Dinn will be available to respond afterwards.




For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or 


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