For Immediate Release
17 January, 2024
The NDP are calling on the Premier to ensure that today’s hastily announced healthcare action update updates the people of the province on retention and recruitment efforts in the province including:
The current vacancies by profession including but not limited to Registered Nurses, Social Workers, Licensed Practical Nurses, Advanced Care Paramedics and Doctors;
How many people have been recruited for these positions, and how many are licensed, on the ground, and working in the public healthcare system;
How many workers have left these positions since the pandemic was declared;
How often ERs have been closed since the last update;
How many collaborative care clinics are up and running since the last update; and
How many people have been assigned a collaborative care team since the last update.
The claims by government do not reflect the experiences of frontline workers. Healthcare professionals deserve better.
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Communications, NDP Caucus 709.697.5363 (m)