Today the New Democratic Party of Newfoundland and Labrador announced that Alison Coffin and Gerry Rogers will seek the leadership of the Party. The deadline to register as a leadership candidate was February 28.
Alison Coffin is an economist dedicated to advancing responsible public policy and excellence in governance. Gerry Rogers was first elected in 2011 and again in 2015 and has served over six years as NDP MHA for St. John’s Centre.
“On behalf of the Party, I would like to commend both candidates for their interest in leading the NL NDP,” said Mark Gruchy, president of the NL NDP.
“Over the next five weeks members of the Party will have the opportunity to hear from both candidates as they campaign in preparation for our Leadership Convention to be held in April. Leadership contests are always energizing and we look forward to a lively campaign.”
Complete candidate biographies are available below and here.
The NL NDP Leadership Convention is taking place April 7 and 8 at the St. John’s Convention Centre with the new Leader being announced April 8.
All those who are party members by March 7, 2018, are eligible to cast a ballot in the leadership contest. All memberships valid on the cut-off date will receive voting credentials. Voting will be one-member, one-vote ballot and available online, by telephone, and in person.
Candidate Biographies
Alison Coffin
Alison Coffin is an economist dedicated to advancing responsible public policy and excellence in governance. In her professional life, she is currently Executive Officer of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association.
For several years, she also ran a successful consulting company, giving her firsthand understanding of the challenges facing small businesses, as well as the potential for small business to create jobs in the province.
A lifelong resident of the province, Alison splits her time between St. Johns, Brigus, and Spaniard’s Bay with her partner Ian. Outside of her professional career, Alison plays hockey with four local rec leagues, is an avid volunteer, and cooks for friends, family, and a football league. She has competed provincially and/or nationally in ice hockey, ball hockey, football, triathlons, bodybuilding, and softball.
Her most recent professional publication, “Taking Politics out of Governance,” included in The Democracy Cookbook (eds. Alex Marland and Lisa Moore) outlines straightforward suggestions for better provincial budgeting, spending, and planning.
Alison ran for the NL NDP in the 2015 election, and is currently Associate President of the provincial party.
Gerry Rogers
First elected in 2011 and again in 2015, Gerry Rogers has served over six years as NDP MHA for St. John’s Centre. Born in Corner Brook, growing up in a military family gave her a pretty eclectic life. With townie father Leo, mother Philomena from the Great Northern Peninsula, and siblings Anneliese and Richard, her family moved across Canada and Germany, settling back home in St. John’s.
Gerry completed a Bachelor of Social Work from Memorial University. After helping start the first Iris Kirby House through the St. John’s Women’s Centre, she moved to Montreal heading up the Federal Women’s Film Program, a multi-million dollar film production/ distribution/ training program at the National Film Board’s world renown Studio D.
Returning home 10 years later, she started her own film company, Augusta Productions. Gerry produced or directed over 20 films including “After The Montreal Massacre,” “Pleasant Street,” and “My Left Breast” winning over 40 international awards, including two Geminis.
A strong feminist, social justice, and environmental activist, Gerry finds making documentary films and politics have much in common. Both require visionary leadership, building great teams, ensuring everyone has the resources to do their job to their best ability, listening with the intent to really hear, then clearing a space for multiple voices to be heard in order to effect change.
Her three Private Member Motions – calling for an APC on Mental Health and Addictions, Pay Equity, and expanded LGBTQ2S rights – all passed unanimously. With a reputation for working collaboratively, she has developed strong alliances with activist groups, small business, labour, academia, and civil society. She has travelled the province extensively and loves it!
Gerry recently married her partner Peg after a very brief courtship of 25 years. Their son Ian and his partner Chelsea live in Gambo with their children William and Amelia.