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NDP Calling for an End to Human Rights Violations Against Our People

Updated: Jul 16, 2024

For Immediate Release

30 November, 2023

NDP MHA Lela Evans (Torngat Mountains) is demanding government stop turning a blind eye to inhumane living conditions in her district. Evans asks what more evidence does this Liberal government need before it addresses the housing crisis in northern Labrador? Last December the Federal Housing Advocate called the housing situation in the District of Torngat Mountains a violation of human rights, stating that she was so impacted by the situation that she still has nightmares. Evans has been calling for action since becoming elected in 2019.

“The housing crisis in my district is critical. I’m thankful to the Housing Advocate for her follow up report. But what I am the most thankful for is the courage of all the people who spoke out publically and shared their most personal situations in order to show the reality of housing in our communities. It took great courage on their part and I hope their sacrifice to pride and dignity will not be in vain. People across the country now can see and truly understand the struggles we face,” said Evans. “No one should have to live like this, and as we see in this second report, the problem isn’t new – successive governments have ignored the problems.”

The report details the conditions of homes, the unavailability and inaccessibility of housing, and how it impacts a person’s health and their right to live in dignity. The report also showcases government inaction, by stating the “toll of decades of government neglect and underfunding that has resulted in many Labrador Inuit facing houselessness or living in uninhabitable conditions that threaten their health and lives, and undermine their right to live in dignity.”

“I have said repeatedly in the House of Assembly, that continued inaction of government is stripping the people of my district of their dignity and their quality of life,” said Evans. “This crisis affects their health, their ability to raise and feed their children, their overall quality of life. It is a human rights violation. I see no action or plan developed to help people who are struggling. All I see is excuses from a government filled with apathy and entitlement.

“The Premier just went up to Labrador to deliver an apology to Residential School Survivors and all I could think is, does he think words alone will undo the legacy of harms? For generations we have been impacted by the harmful policies that we now name as colonialism. When will this government finally to turn its words into action and address the problems impacting Residential School Survivors, their families, and their communities. The Premier and his government are superficial and lack sincerity when it comes to addressing the legacy of harms inflicted upon the Inuit in northern Labrador.

“I hope that this report is taken seriously by the federal and provincial governments as well as politicians from all parties in spite of how their inaction in the past fueled the crisis people are living through today so we can finally right this wrong.”


For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or


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