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Ignoring Public Tender Process Shows Government More Committed to Their Donors than People

For Immediate Release

November 12, 2024


Today in the House of Assembly, NL NDP Leader Jim Dinn (St. John’s Centre) challenged government on its decision to sidestep the public tendering process to procure land for the hospital that will replace St. Clare’s.


After an announcement last week that was low on details, the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure explained that a deal to purchase the land for $23 million was almost complete. No public tender call had been made. Major Liberal donor H3 Development donated 10 acres of land for the hospital, and the $23 million is for a further 54 acres. rest. Dinn says this is another example of government being more focused on lining their donors’ pockets than making decisions based on what’s best for people.


“It’s laughable that this government labels themselves transparent and honest when it comes to decisions on spending in this province,” said Dinn. “One minute we are hearing about a donation with no plans for government to purchase the remaining land needed, and then just days later we hear the deal is almost complete. It begs me to ask the question if government even considers the public in these backdoor decisions.”


Dinn says this is not the first time we have seen government hand over exorbitant amounts to Liberal Party donors for land or infrastructure.


“This is repeat behaviour from this Liberal government. You just have to look at the agreement with the Comfort Inn on Airport Road. Another Liberal donor, and we are leasing, not buying, a building at the cost of $23 million for three years. What happens when that three years is up? Another $23 million?


“Then you look at the deal with MARCO for the expansion of the emergency room at the Health Sciences. MARCO, a group owned by H3 Developments, was awarded the contract for $30 million more than what was budgeted. They aren’t even attempting to hide their cronyism.


“I wonder when the government will worry less about lining the pockets of companies that co-sign their election loans and worry more about the realities people in this province are facing.”




For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media and Communications Officer, NDP Caucus at 330-0328 (o), or  


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