For Immediate Release
20 October, 2022
NL NDP MHA for Torngat Mountains, Lela Evans, is calling on the Minister of Education to address the teacher shortage in Labrador that’s causing students who were honours students to leave academic level courses and limiting their career paths. The NL NDP MHA has received multiple emails and phone calls from parents expressing their concern.
“Parents and students want to know why teachers, who were hired and present in Nain at the beginning of the school year, were moved to other classrooms to fill vacancies and forced students to take online courses,” said Evans.
“This government is downloading the teacher recruitment failure onto students on the North Coast of Labrador, and as a result honours students are dropping out of courses that would bring them to post-secondary education,” said Evans. “This is continued socio-economic marginalization, and it’s robbing these students of hope for their future.”
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or