For Immediate Release
November 6, 2024
The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association (NLMA) confirmed today through a Narrative Research poll that 30% of people in the province do not have a primary health care provider. NDP MHA Jordan Brown (Labrador West) says government must get serious about a human resources plan if we want that number to decrease.
For years, healthcare workers have called on government to implement a solid human resources plan to address the workload and work-life balance issues they face. Brown says government continues to announce new buildings without considering the workers who deliver the services.
“It’s shocking, but not surprising that we are still waiting for government to do the hard work and deliver an adequate human resources plan,” said Brown. “How many times must healthcare workers, including doctors, voice their concerns about the workload before government realizes it is a key piece of recruitment and retention?”
Brown calls for government to make a human resources plan a priority and stop delaying the help healthcare workers desperately need.
“Showing these critical workers that they are heard and respected by government is essential to retention. 30% of people in our province should not have to worry about not having a primary healthcare provider,” he said. “Workers have solid practical ideas to improve working conditions, whether it’s eliminating sick notes or establishing a safety council to deal with workplace violence.
“Healthcare workers, not buildings, heal patients. To guide patients on a path to live a healthy life, workers need to be healthy themselves. Not only do people in the province deserve better, but our health care workers do too.”
For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media and Communications Officer, NDP Caucus at 330-0328 (o), or