For Immediate Release
6 June, 2023
NDP MHA for Torngat Mountains, Lela Evans, says government continues to fail women in the work place. This weekend, workers and their representatives protested, calling for action by way of a reset of Bill 3.
Workers from organizations, including the NLFL and PSAC, are calling for effective legislation that will address gaps in both wages and rights for women and gender-diverse employees across the province, and a greater acknowledgment that these gaps exist and need to be taken seriously.
“Government obviously isn’t listening to the people who are most impacted by gender pay inequity and those who advocate on their behalf”, said Evans. “We heard the President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour out in the rain this weekend saying this was ‘lazy legislation,’” Evans said. “To hear members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada chanting ‘equal pay is a right, this is why we have to fight,’ shows that this legislation does not do enough for women and gender-diverse workers in this province.”
“This Liberal government failed to have robust consultation with stakeholders before presenting this legislation to the House of Assembly, leaving it vulnerable to fail the people it’s meant to help,” said Evans. “What we are seeing now is unions continuing to point out how woefully inadequate this important legislation is. Action being taken by labour is a direct consequence of government not seeking the lived experience from stakeholders and community groups which would have made Bill 3 effective in addressing the pay inequity people are experiencing.”
“I echo the statements from NLFL President Jessica McCormick, and stakeholders across the province, calling on this government to reset Bill 3 and restart the process with fulsome and meaningful consultation. When voices of workers across the province continue to call out the gaps and pitfalls in legislation, government has a duty to acknowledge and do the work. Instead, government continues to dismiss these crucial voices and claim enough was done with this Bill.”
For further information, contact Stephanie Curran, Media Relations Manager, NDP Caucus at 330-3028 (o), or stephaniecurran@gov.nl.ca