For Immediate Release
2 November, 2023
MHA Lela Evans (Torngat Mountains) is calling on the Minister of Women and Gender Equality to stop making excuses around Pay Equity, and start focusing on solutions so that women and gender-diverse workers in this province will get the pay they are entitled.
An Access to Information request by Saltwire News uncovered an Information Note prepared for the Minister of Women and Gender Equality in July 2021. It states:
Government should exercise caution when undertaking further and more in-depth research regarding the extent to which pay equity exists within Government public sector based on the history of pay equity agreements in the province; and,
Based on current case law, if it is found that the Province is not pay equity-compliant, it may be required to pay out present and former employees retroactively.
“It is disappointing to see yet another ATIPP show the government is more concerned about the costs of pay equity rather than finding solutions,” said Evans. “This government has put a price on equity for women and gender-diverse, and this Information Note shows that this Liberal government is unwilling to pay that price and would rather the labour of women and gender-diverse people continue to be exploited.”
Evans is calling on the Minister responsible to stop tolerating the notion that the cost of equal pay justifies inaction. Successive Liberal and PC governments has denied women and gender diverse individuals of the equity they deserve.
“Women and gender diverse individuals across the province want real action on gender pay equity,” said Evans. “Unfortunately they are continually failed by this Liberal government and a Minister who supports road blocks standing in their way.”
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or eddystcoeur@gov.nl.ca