FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Where is the plan?: Coffin
August 25, 2020
Transparency and accountability are key to a responsible budget, and now is the time to make good on that commitment says NDP Leader Alison Coffin.
“At his swearing in, we heard Premier Furey commit to transparency and accountability from the Liberal government, but we haven’t seen much sign of that so far. On August 19, the Premier was quoted as saying that his budget was almost done, so you can imagine our surprise when the following day he doubled back and said he would not commit to a September budget deadline,” said Coffin.
“This about face on the budget release happened the same week the Liberal government made commitments to increase spending in education and childcare,” she added. “We are pleased to see that the Liberal government has finally come around to the very real need for more affordable childcare and resourcing for education that the NDP has championed for years. However, given the state of the province's finances, we must ask Premier Furey, ‘what is on the table?’ What will he cut and how will that impact people in this province?
“We have yet to see a fiscal update on how government spent $4.8B of interim supply since March. It is very concerning that government will not commit to a September budget. In September, the Liberals will come looking for another $4B without a plan, a budget or any accountability,” Coffin said on Tuesday.
The people of NL whose lives have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic deserve better. Coffin says the ordinary everyday working people of this province need to be considered through every step of the government’s plan for the fall and throughout the pandemic.
“The people of Newfoundland and Labrador need to know that the province will address the needs of the people of this province without sacrificing funding for other supports for those who need it the most. The people of this province must see a future for themselves here,” said Coffin.
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), 693-9172 (c), or
