For immediate release
20 April, 2021
Responding to the federal budget, NDP Leader Alison Coffin notes goals that sound great, but expresses cautious optimism as to whether or not the Liberals will actually do what they’ve promised. Coffin expressed concerns that the federal blueprint did not acknowledge Newfoundland and Labrador’s financial reality.
“There does not seem to be an acknowledgement of the dire fiscal situation our province is facing,” said Coffin. “Twice in one year we had to go to Ottawa with our hands out asking for loan relief, but the budget presents a much rosier outlook for the country than we’re seeing here at home – it is concerning that there was no mention of a rate mitigation strategy.”
The federal budget outlined plans for a federal childcare program, as well as mandating a $15 minimum wage for federal employees across the country. These programs are sorely needed across the country, and would be vital to economic stimulation. However the track record of the Liberal Party at both provincial and federal levels gives Coffin little assurance. This budget appears to set the stage for a 2021 election campaign where they campaign to the left and govern from the right.
“These programs sound great, but let’s not forget these are the people who ran a campaign focused on democratic reform, which quickly died on the vine, and universal pharmacare that has been promised for decades, got what could only be described as an honourable mention in the budget speech,” said Coffin. “We will be watching our federal counterparts ensure that the electorate is not led down a garden path by the Liberals, and sent into a federal election called solely to gain more power in the legislature.”
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or