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End the Secrecy. End Confidentiality Agreements for Members of Premier’s Task Forces: Coffin

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

With the recent departure of the president of the NL Federation of Labour from the Premier’s Economic Recovery Task force, NDP Leader Alison Coffin is again calling on the Liberal Government to be more transparent. Having learned through Ms. Shortall’s announcement that she is bound by a strict confidentiality agreement preventing her from speaking publicly about her experience, Coffin is concerned about what the Liberal Government is trying to hide.

“Unsurprisingly, the Liberal Government is cloaked in a veil of secrecy,” said Coffin. “Premier Furey wants us to believe there’s nothing being hidden, and if that’s the case, I call on him to dissolve the confidentiality agreements that bind members of his task forces,” said Coffin.

The recommendations of any of the Premier’s task forces have the potential to have long standing impacts on the economic future and quality of life of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. Coffin has concerns that the Premier is telling the public not to worry about the contents of the report, all the while knowing the damaging impacts the recommendations will have.

“Decisions are being made from the top down on a rush timeline under a guise of open collaboration with our communities,” said Coffin. “If Premier Furey and the Liberal Cabinet are brazen enough to tell the public they are transparent and collaborative – I would like to see the proof because our interactions show that has absolutely not been the experience of the NDP Caucus.”


For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or


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