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Frequently Asked Questions

Can any member attend Convention?

Yes, any member can attend Convention, however only those identified as delegates may vote at Convention.  See Article 8, Section 3 of the Constitution for details on delegates to Convention.

How do I check if I am an official member?

To participate in Convention, you have to be a member of the NL NDP. 

You are a member if you paid your annual membership fee or if you are a monthly donor.  If you are unsure of your membership status, you can check that by contacting

When does registration open?

Registration is open now! click here to register

Why is the registration fee $50?

The Executive voted to set the registration fee at $50 for all members.  The fee was considered a reasonable rate and will help us offset the costs associated with offering an online event. We have to pay for the technology platform, technicians and voting software, as well as other costs.

Who do I contact if I need financial assistance with the registration fee?

Send an email to:  The Party is committed to ensuring any member who wants to attend Convention can attend regardless of ability to pay.

Why is Convention online, rather than in-person?

We are committed to keeping Convention affordable and accessible for all our members. By holding the event online, we will have greater participation from NL NDP members all over Newfoundland and Labrador. This enables a more diverse group of members to attend and participate equally.

Will there be an opportunity for members to get together in person?

Yes. There are plans for a social during Convention weekend for those who live in, or are visiting, the St. John’s area. More details to come!

Is there an unwaged, seniors, and student rate to attend Convention?

We have set the fee at $50 for all members.  If you are unable to cover the cost of Registration, please email

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