Hi folks,
As we begin our last scheduled week in our House of Assembly for 2018 there is a lot to report.
Together with Lorraine Michael, I have been pushing government on important issues affecting our people, especially around jobs and sustainable economic development, healthcare, minimum wage, and post-secondary education. And of course environmental issues, especially with the recent oil spill by Husky Oil at the SeaRose FPSO.

Together, we are calling government to account and we’re also proposing ideas that would work for the benefit of our province, such as a modernization of our labour legislation. The recent lockout of D-J Composites workers for two years points to the need for urgent amendments to our Labour Relations Act.
Today we welcome the news that the lockout is over and applaud Unifor for their perseverance and tenacity in reaching a new collective agreement.

We are calling for an independent, stand-alone safety and environmental authority for the offshore, we made a Private Member’s Motion for an All-Party Committee on Jobs and Economic Sustainability, and we are petitioning for the rights of seniors in long-term care.
We’ve spoken numerous times in debate on democratic reform about electoral reform, using our existing legislative tools such as select committees, and proposing to do politics differently. We can, we must!
With the resignation of PC MHA Paul Davis, we may have a byelection called by January 2, 2019. But who knows what the Ball Liberals have up their sleeves? Rumours abound, among them the possibility of a spring election. But we are getting ready for either case with a strong Election Planning Committee in full swing with great working groups.
A number of people have expressed interest in running as NDP candidates in the general election and we need more. Search your communities for people you think you would like to represent you.
Who knows, it may even be YOU! We can do this!
It’s an exciting time in our province. We face huge challenges but, through working together, they are not insurmountable.
So one more week to do our work in the House of Assembly on your behalf, then stay tuned to see where those rumours take us.
In solidarity,
Gerry Rogers
Leader, NL NDP
Media Coverage Highlights
Biologists wonder how many seabirds are dead after Husky oil spill off N.L. CBC News, Nov. 20, 2018
Largest Newfoundland oil spill ever shows risks of offshore drilling, regulatory board says. The Globe and Mail, Nov. 19, 2018
NDP Calling For More Paid Leave For Abuse Victims. VOCM News, Nov. 18, 2018
Seniors present petition to House of Assembly. The Telegram, Nov. 6, 2018