Hello New Democrats, Spring has been good to us this year. We've had a great Convention, a respectful and robust leadership race, and now the chinks in the Liberal armour are getting large enough to drive a freight train through. I was very honoured to be acclaimed as the President of the NDP at Convention and am very excited to be working with our Executive and our Party. In the coming weeks, we will introduce the Executive members to you through our newsletter. Here's my introduction: I have been a lawyer since 1993. I spent about 20 years with the Government (during which time I was not allowed to be involved in politics) and now I represent survivors of childhood sexual abuse. In my personal time, I serve on the Board of Directors of Iris Kirby House (a shelter for women and their children fleeing domestic violence) and I am working with a foundation to raise money for a children's centre at Iris Kirby. This foundation is called the SKS Children's Centre and is in memory of my good friend, NDP activist, and labour leader, Susan Shiner. And I also spend time hanging out with NDP peeps, trying to change our province for the better. I believe that our history of Liberal and Tory governments demonstrates that we need a new way of doing business on the political level.I believe we need to bring in people on the margins of power and trust them to tell us what they need. I believe we can do so much better. Your Executive, which includes our new Leader, the indomitable Gerry Rogers, is working hard to get ready for the next provincial election in November of 2019. I have had several meetings already since April 8 and we have a bunch more planned. We recently added a welcome section for members on our website. This is where you can learn more about getting involved with the NL NDP. This will be regularly updated and will be a great resource for learning about different things of interest to members, whether you’re a long term Party member or brand new. I have one goal for my term as President – more seats in the House of Assembly. We have had so many successes with such small numbers, there is so much more we could achieve. One of our first orders of business is to map out a strategy for the next 18 months. There are going to be lots of ways to be involved and I look forward to meeting and working with the membership. We're changing politics, we're changing our province. It's a good time to be a member of the NDP.
In solidarity, Lynn Moore President, NL NDP