Dear friends,
Well that was a whirlwind! We are very proud of Kathleen Burt who carried our message throughout the Topsail–Paradise campaign. With few resources, Kathleen and her team used social media to talk about things that matter to people.
Thank you Kathleen for carrying the NL NDP banner in Topsail–Paradise! Byelections are always interesting and this one was particularly challenging for us and we knew that going into it. This district has been strongly PC for years. And the people have spoken.

So when is the general election? Hard to say. Rumours still abound – spring or fall? We have several committees in place that are down to business working hard to get us ready for both possibilities.
This is where YOU come in. All of you. If you haven’t already, get like-minded folk together in your districts and start organizing.
Find a candidate you can stand behind and support, someone who knows what keeps people awake at night, who can speak for the people where you live. Find someone who can envision a better future for your community and our province, someone who is driven by passion and compassion. Find someone who will dare to say there is a better way for our children, for our seniors, for our working families, who knows the value of a diverse economy and recognizes it is only sustainable if it also protects our environment.Then organize like there is no tomorrow. We will help you too!
Last night at our post-election gathering Kathleen Burt said, “We must be proud to proclaim our NDP message, we are a Party that knows how important it is to invest in our people, a Party committed to fairness and justice and equality. We are a Party that knows a better future is possible for everyone.”
Thank you Kathleen Burt and let’s keep going!
Gerry Rogers Leader, NL NDP