Dear New Democrat, You are receiving this email because you are a member or supporter of the NL NDP. You've made the commitment to progressive politics – and to supporting a Party that believes in social, economic, and environmental justice. As part of that commitment you've given your time, added your voice, and opened your pocket book to support the work of the NL NDP – a Party that stands for your convictions. Our biggest annual fundraising deadline is now just weeks away – and there's no better time to give if you haven't had the opportunity to give in 2017 – or to top up your 2017 donation. Political donations deliver generous tax advantages. And besides working for you, in the hands of the NL NDP your money can work for change in Newfoundland and Labrador. And in 2017 your Party has been hard at it. We are delighted to welcome 225 new members to the Party this year. We captured close to 25 per cent of the vote in the Mount Pearl North byelection – a huge increase in support for the Party. We had an incredible candidate in Nicole Kieley and terrific volunteer support from members and supporters. In 2017, our small but mighty Caucus, MHAs Lorraine Michael and Gerry Rogers and leader Earle McCurdy continued to hold the Liberal government accountable, challenging the government to:
Repeal the book tax and pull back on closing libraries
Develop pay equity legislation for this province
Commit to a forensic audit and public inquiry into Muskrat Falls
The NDP has been pushing government on issues including:
Concerns over a secretively brokered cannabis deal (learn more here)
Nalcor procurement reports adhering to legislation (learn more here)
Sustainable aquaculture (learn more here)
Raising the minimum wage to $15/hour (learn more here)
Following a court decision, challenging the government to amend their proposed revisions to the Elections Act to ensure it was truly fair for voters (learn more here)
So we've done some pretty solid work and even made some inroads, which are worth celebrating and supporting with an additional year-end gift. Make a special donation now to maximize how much you can get back at tax time. You'll be helping the NL NDP team continue to tackle important issues and work towards creating a fair, more just Newfoundland and Labrador. The tax credit works like this:
A $100 donation costs you $25.00 – you receive a 75 per cent tax credit;
the next $450 donated receives a 50 per cent tax credit: and,
the next $600 will give you a 33 1/3 per cent credit.
The maximum available credit is $500. Please don't wait to make your donation – do it today. You can donate online or send your donation by cheque. Our annual year-end campaign is critical to our revenue. We are counting on your donation. In solidarity, Angela Drake Treasurer NL NDP P.S. Donations must be received no later than December 31st to receive your 2017 tax benefit.