For Immediate Release
03 April, 2023
NL NDP Leader Jim Dinn introduced a private members resolution today in the House of Assembly which calls on government to roll back the privatization of health care in this province. The motion received first reading in the legislature today, and was seconded by the NDP Health Critic and Member for Torngat Mountains, Lela Evans. On Wednesday the resolution will be read a second time and opened for debate.
The Private Members’ Resolution read as follows:
Speaker, I give notice of the following Private Member’s Motion, which will be seconded by the Member for Torngat Mountains:
Whereas our health care services are in crisis, and government is making more space for private profit in our publicly funded, publicly administered system as a quick fix;
Whereas US-style private healthcare draws workers and resources from our already-strained public system, leading to a further erosion of service and patient well-being;
Whereas private deals for health services and infrastructure lack transparency, often come with significant strings and risks attached, and cost citizens more than a publicly provided and managed equivalent;
Therefore be it resolved that this government says no to any further privatization of our health care system, roll back current privatization, and invest in a publicly funded, publicly administered public healthcare system.
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or eddystcoeur@gov.nl.ca