The New Democratic Party of Newfoundland and Labrador announces the call for candidate nominations in the district of Mount Pearl North.
Any member of the NL NDP who is a resident of the district of Mount Pearl North can nominate a prospective candidate. Prospective candidates must be current Party members.
The deadline for nominations is noon on Thursday, October 12, 2017. The nomination meeting will be held 7:00 p.m. at Admiralty House Communications Museum, 365 Old Placentia Road in Mount Pearl.
Members interested in nominating a prospective candidate should send the name of the nominee, together with the written consent of the nominee, to provincial Party President Mark Gruchy. To submit a nomination, as well as obtain a copy of the NL NDP Constitution, email
The district of Mount Pearl North will become vacant as a result of the resignation of MHA Steve Kent, effective Oct. 10. Provincial legislation requires a byelection to be called within 60 days of a vacancy being created.
For more information please call 709-739-6387 or e-mail