For Immediate Release
20 June, 2023
Lela Evans (Torngat Mountains) is calling on the provincial government to provide travel subsidies fairly to residents in Labrador affected by pack ice. On 12 June 2023, Evans wrote to the newly installed Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure.
“All I am asking for is fairness for the people of the District of Torngat Mountains who cannot travel from their communities by ferry. Currently people in Northern Labrador can only travel by air and the cost is a great burden,” said Evans. “I have sent a letter to the new Minister of Transportation asking that his department to provide the same access to air services for my constituents that the constituents of Southern Labrador are receiving,” says Evans.
Before the pack ice moved out to sea, the residents of Southern Labrador were able to access subsidized air travel and cargo rates. Luckily, for them the icepack move out to sea and the ferry can enter their harbours and they are still receiving the ferry price rates for air travel. Unfortunately, Northern Labrador residents affected by the pack ice are not receiving the ferry rates that southern residents are able to access.
Labrador north coast communities do not have road access and are wholly dependent on this marine service for bulk food shipments, building materials, transporting personnel, vehicles including trucks and off-road vehicles, household goods, and many other essential services for the communities. Evans previously wrote the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure on 5 June 2023.
“The delay of ferry service creates many hardships. People cannot get to medical appointments or travel for work among many other issues. I am calling on the Minister to rectify this unfair situation and provide the airline services at comparable rates to travel on the Kamutik W for north coast residents until the ice recedes,” says Evans.
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or eddystcoeur@gov.nl.ca