For Immediate Release
05 April, 2023
Liberal, Conservative, and Independent Members’ Caucuses in Newfoundland and Labrador voted against protecting public healthcare. The NL NDP Private Member’s Resolution urged the government to roll back the privatization of healthcare in the province.
“Public healthcare in this province needs to be protected. It was disappointing today when Liberal and Conservative MHAs voted against our resolution urging government to say no to privatization of healthcare,” said Dinn.
“What they admitted today is that they are not listening. They’re not listening to healthcare workers who are overworked, they’re not listening to healthcare staff who are leaving the province.”
“They’re saying it is ok for you to be burnt out, it is ok for you to work for less than the travel nurse working beside you, everything is fine,” said Dinn.
“Privatization is the poison of public healthcare. It syphons money away that should be invested in public healthcare,” said Dinn. “For-profit travel placement agencies are cannibalizing our public healthcare system. Healthcare workers continue to tell us that private agency nurses are making matters worse.”
“What we are fighting for is public healthcare. It was disappointing learn that your health is not their priority.”
For further information, contact Eddy St. Coeur, Director of Communications, NDP Caucus at 729-2137 (o), or eddystcoeur@gov.nl.ca