Dear supporter,
We can’t make real change, if we don’t win.
Simple. Right.

Win the hearts and minds of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.
Win more seats in the House of Assembly.
When I was elected President of the NL NDP in April, I committed to building the Party and preparing for 2019.
We fought an effective byelection with a talented candidate – Kerri Claire Neil. We formed an election planning team who are busy identifying candidates and putting our platform together. We’ve done great work in the House of Assembly with our Leader Gerry Rogers and MHA Lorraine Michael calling the government to account.
Our work is paying off.
We attracted 1,400 new members in 2018. That’s more people joining in one year than ever before.
People know that the Liberals and Conservatives have created the mess we're in and neither Party has any interest in doing things differently.
We need change in our province.
And you can make it happen.
Individual donations are always critical to the NL NDP – but never more so than in an election year.
Just imagine, if every Party member gave one donation – $10, $20, $30 (or more if you can afford it) – it will pay for practical things that we need to fight an election – things like signs and brochures for candidates. We have 40 seats and 40 candidates to help in 2019– so every dollar you donate lets us be there for the women and men who step up as candidates. And a monthly donation of $10, $20, $30 (or more) adds up to even more over the course of the year.
Now is the time when your contribution can make a real difference for Newfoundland and Labrador.
Let’s change the way this province is governed.
Let’s elect more NDP MHAs.
Let’s get 'er done.

Lynn Moore President, NL NDP